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CEO/Founder; David M. Shadel
After already proving himself a leader while serving 12 years total in the United States Army as an Infantryman/Grounds Troop Platoon Sgt; David's life began to flourish financially the moment he finished his military career.

Knuckling a UTEP degree in Business Management & Psychology, he quickly set out to be what all of us dream about...to be financially independent!

Almost instantly his sense of knowing where to start and what to do fell into place like clockwork.
He spent several months researching and creating...creating something that some people would pay thousands of dollars to know....how to find the money to start up a REAL business, where to mingle with the right people, and obtaining the traffic to your business...online or offline David has been helping individuals succeed in their business!

A Born Leader!
David found himself poised as a leader and at the front of one of the fastest growing telecommunications company in the world,- Excel Telecom. Rapidly accellerating to the title of Regional Director in just 6 months caught even the eye of Excel's former Owner and CEO; Kenny Trout. David received personal recognition from the Multi- Billion Dollar Corporation Owner for his Sales accomplishments, and the impeccable support he displayed to his entire network of over 2000 Excel Representatives.

It's with these kind of distinguished achievements that make David a born leader with the wisdom we all seek to prosper from.

Contact David M. Shadel
Success City